July 13, 2024

“I am able to do all things through him, who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13.
Dear Friends:
Today is my 89 th birthday. I have to pinch myself to believe I have lived this long!
Twenty-one years ago, the late John Paul Jackson, known for his reliable prophetic gift,
was having a meal with our family in Key Largo, Florida. We had just come back from
Bimini, Bahamas, where I introduced him to bonefishing. He put his knife and fork down,
looked at me and spontaneously said, “R. T., you will live to a ripe old age, but if you
don’t get in shape physically you won’t be around to enjoy it”. I took him seriously. Our
son T. R. bought me a diet book. Steve Strang urged me to get a trainer. I began lifting
weights. I get weighed every day (168 lbs. or 12 stone). I started doing twenty-one
pushups and other exercises daily which I still keep up. I continue to preach all over the
world – UK, Far East and all over the U.S.A., and into 2025. I give God all the glory and
thank Him for leading John Paul to speak to me as he did.
But God would not have given this timely word unless His Name would be glorified. It is
entirely about His purpose and His glory.
A few weeks ago, Dr. Ann Allen Salter, a retired veterinarian in Alabama, who has been
a prayer intercessor for me for twenty years, felt led to give me Philippians 4:13. I read it
every day in addition to my Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan. It is reminder
that I am enabled to travel, preach and write entirely because of His strength. God will
take me to heaven the moment I have fulfilled His purpose. And not before.
Dr. Ronnie Floyd wrote a Day by Day and Night by Night 365 Morning & Evening
Devotions for Leaders. I peeked ahead to see what he said for July 13. Among other
words were these: “You have the influence you have, the job you have, and the
resources you have for one reason alone: God has given them to you”. Yes. All of us
are debtors to His sovereignty alone.
Dr. Robert Jeffress kindly invited me to preach at the First Baptist Church in Dallas this
coming August 4-6. While there I will launch my latest book Their Finest Hour, foreword
by my friend Dr. O. S. Hawkins. In this book I have chosen what I believe to be the
“finest hour” of thirty biblical characters. Not just their defining moment but each’s
greatest accomplishment. I will relaunch my most important book Pleasing God to which
Susie Hawkins wrote the wonderful foreword. I have other books to come out down the
road, one which I will call “What They Didn’t Teach Me in Seminary”.
One birthday gift I will welcome – please: pray for me for an increase of wisdom, love
and power on my preaching and writing. That will be more precious than gold.

That’s it for now. Greetings also from Louise and me in Nashville. Either TR or Louise
travel with me virtually wherever I go.
God bless you.
R T – John 5:44.

Their Finest Hour. Landing Page – Free Chapter.