Believing God 3

Hebrews 11 is a description of people who persisted in faith. With one or two exceptions (as Abel, verse 4) Hebrews does not describe saving faith but persistent faith. Saving faith does not guarantee our inheritance; persisting in faith does. Saving faith guarantees Heaven; persistent faith results in seeing God do in your life what he did in the lives of those described in Hebrews 11.

God chose our inheritance for us (Psa.47:4). It is out of our hands. Not a single person in Hebrews 11 chose to do what they did. Abraham did not choose to leave home without knowing where he was going. He did not choose to sacrifice Isaac. Isaac did not choose to bless Jacob (he preferred Esau). Joseph never dreamed he would be prime minister of Egypt. “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance”, said David (Psa.16:6). You may say: “David would say that, wouldn’t he? After all, he was a king”. I reply: God will make your inheritance as beautiful to you as David’s was to his. You will have no regrets, no complaints – in the end. The process along the way can be painful – even tortuous. Oh yes. Some of those in Hebrews died, were tortured, some escaped death – barely; but all persisted in faith.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb.13:8). Those in Hebrews 11 are in Heaven. They are among the “cloud of witnesses” (Heb.12:1) that are – perhaps – watching us and cheering us on “Don’t give up”. They are in Heaven, we are on earth. Our work isn’t finished. God loves us as much as he did them. He has a plan for us as definite as he had for them. I don’t want to miss God’s will. Neither do you. Persist in faith and you will be as fulfilled as David and finish as well as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


You can read much more about this in my book: Believing God available at a discount for this month.

Believing God