I first met Franklin Graham eighteen years ago, but I have not known him well. He was on TBN USA representing Samaritan’s Purse. I was on the same show being interviewed by Paul and Jan Crouch about my recent meeting with Yasser Arafat in July 2002. I have not seen Franklin since until yesterday when I was invited to a luncheon in London with church leaders who are supporting his meetings in several cities in England this year. There are outcries that these meetings should be canceled, mostly because of the way some in the LGBT feel about him. I have supported him from the beginning and I stand unashamedly with him. He unapologetically preaches the Gospel.
I wouldn’t have missed this luncheon for anything in the world. Franklin was brilliant. I’d give anything if this were filmed and shown all over Britain. Attitudes everywhere would change. I found him truly humble and unpretentious. There are two stories Franklin told that I want to share. First, something that is not generally known, Donald Trump came to a birthday party for Billy Graham in November 2013 – Billy’s 95th birthday. The Gospel was preached. Donald Trump made a profession of faith on that occasion. Second, as you will know, Billy died two years ago at the age of 99 in February 2018. People said to Franklin, “So your father didn’t make it to 100”. Franklin replied: “Oh yes he did. He was alive in his mother’s womb for nine months before he was born; he certainly lived to be100!”
I was asked to close the meeting in prayer. I can’t remember all I said, but I remember praying something like this:
“Thank you Heavenly Father for the joy of being with those who are unashamed of the Gospel. Thank you for the joy of being with those who are unashamed of Franklin Graham. I thank you for raising him up for such a time as this. I pray for his protection by the blood of Christ against satanic attacks. I pray that many people will be saved over these months. I pray this era will be epoch-making and result in changing Britain. In Jesus’ Name. Amen ”.