New Year’s Letter 2024

“When you have done all that you were commanded, you should say, ‘We are unworthy
servants; we’ve only done our duty’” – Luke 17:10.
I have had occasion to apply this verse more than once in 2023. I admit to my turning to the
Lord when I felt tired, jet-lagged and occasionally experiencing some vertigo, wondering if God
would give me a pat on the back or some sense of reward! This verse – Luke 17:10 – keeps
coming to me. It is a rather sobering and humbling reminder that I am doing what I am called to
do and will do this until I get to Heaven!
The truth is, we have had another very good year – still traveling all over America and
internationally (London, Hong Kong, Israel). I am very conscious that most people my age – 88 –
are sitting in a rocking chair. But I am literally the busiest of my entire life – preaching, still on
TV weekly in Britain, constantly writing, preparing fresh sermons and doing zooms and tweets.
As for the vertigo moments, I remember to say with Paul, “I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). I do twenty-one push-ups daily.
I have had two new books out this year – Pleasing God (Susie Hawkins wrote the Foreword) and
Receiving the Isaac Promise (foreword by John Arnott). Pleasing God is based on Hebrews 11:5
– about Enoch who had the testimony that he pleased God (not people). Receiving the Isaac
Promise is putting in print my conviction that the Charismatic Movement is Ishmael but
showing that Isaac is coming and will be the greatest movement of the Holy Spirit since
Pentecost. This is what I stated at the Wembley Conference Centre – the first Word and Spirit
Conference – in October 1992. It was largely rejected, but there is reason to believe that things
have changed.
TR travels with me 90 percent of the time, sometimes Louise travels with me. We have SO
much to be thankful for.
Happy New Year from Louise, TR, Annette, Toby, Timothy, TY, Melissa and Rex.
R T Kendall – Luke 17:10…we are only doing our duty!